After the installation of Mediabox CK you can create your first lightbox very easily.

  1. Create a link to an image
  2. Create a lightbox using the editor button
  3. Custom settings for your lightbox
  4. Autoload the lighthox on your images

Create a link to an image

Go in your editor and create a link

Example with a lightbox to an image :

create link

Then you will get a simple link in your article

create link front

When you click on the link, it will open the Lightbox popup with the image that you have set in the link url

image popup


Create a lightbox using the editor button

This is the easiest way to create your lightbox directly with the interface. Click on the Mediabox CK button in your editor

apercu bouton mediaboxbutton

It will open a popup with the settings that you use to control how to show your lightbox.

editor button interface

You can use the interface to select the image to show in the lightbox, to create a gallery, add few settings to control your lightbox.

Custom settings for your lightbox

You can customize your lightbox to adapt it to your needs. Here are few options that you can use with Mediabox CK :

You can check all the params and the method to use it in the documentation : Mediabox CK settings


Autoload the lighthox on your images

You can go in the system plugin Mediabox CK to find the options available for the lightbox. Here you can choose to enable the autoload feature :

You can also enable the automatic thumb creation :

For example if you got an image like that in your article

<img src="/images/demo/image.jpg" width="957" height="526" loading="lazy" >

But the image.jpg has a real size of 2800 x 1540. Then Mediabox CK will resize the original image to 957 x 526 and store it in a subfolder "th". This image will be loaded in your page and it will reduce the loading time of your website. The link is automatically added to show the original image (2800 x 1540) in the Lightbox.