List of available CSS classes
When using Maximenu Params you can edit each menu item to access to the specific options for Maximenu CK.
One of them is called "CSS class on LI element".
You can use this option to set some feature to your item but also to the submenu.

List of CSS classes
Allow you to create a full width submenu, but only for the submenu under this item
To use only on items level 1.
Make the item to be aligned at the right of the bar and put the submenu accordingly
Render a black background with a smooth style for the item
Render a black background with a smooth style for the item
Stop the dropdown for the submenu. All items in this submenu will be listed in a flat design, without any dropdown. Note that this affects all levels under it, and you can not come back to the dropdown display in a deeper level of this submenu
Force the submenu to appear on click, even if your main setting in the module is set on mouseover
Force the submenu to close on click on the "close" button that appear in the submenu, even if your main setting in the module is set on mouseover
Force the submenu to appear on click and to close on click on the "close" button that appear in the submenu, even if your main setting in the module is set on mouseover