New Captcha for Joomla


logo captchack 64Protect your forms using Captcha CK. It includes multiple techiques to stop the bots.

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Accordeonmenu CK

Accordeonmenu CK ( 13 Documents )

Add an accordion menu to your Joomla website. Mootools effects, multiple options to open the submenus, modules load inside the menu.

Beautiful CK

Beautiful CK ( 3 Documents )

Add a nice style to any of your modules in few minutes without any css knowledge, compatible with any template.

Cookies CK

Cookies CK ( 6 Documents )

Cookies CK displays a little information banner on your website to inform your visitors about the cookies usage.

Custom Fields CK

Custom Fields CK ( 1 Documents )

Custom Fields CK can add some nice styles (color, gradient, border-radius, shadow, ...) to any custom field in your Joomla website. You can do it very quickly in a nice interface.

Custom Parallax CK

Custom Parallax CK ( 2 Documents )

The module Custom Parallax CK adds some animated background images to your custom content using a Parallax effect.

Floating Module CK

Floating Module CK ( 3 Documents )

Use the plugin Floating Module CK to make any module floating in your page without effort

Image Effect CK

Image Effect CK ( 8 Documents )

Add some nice effects to any image in your website just by adding a CSS class.

Kwickmenu CK

Kwickmenu CK ( 3 Documents )

Create a kwick sliding menu to add a nice effect to your Joomla website.

Maximenu CK

Maximenu CK ( 9 Documents )

Create your own Joomla megamenu. Multicolumns, module loading, menu image, multiples themes styles

Mediabox CK

Mediabox CK ( 7 Documents )

Add some lightbox popups to show your multimedia and social contents (twitter, facebook, youtube...)

Menu Manager CK

Menu Manager CK ( 5 Documents )

Create your menus and manage them in a quick and easy way with a Drag'n Drop interface.
Modules Manager CK

Modules Manager CK ( 3 Documents )

Manage your modules easily and instantly into your template with a drag'n drop interface.

mooCoverflow CK

mooCoverflow CK ( 3 Documents )

A coverflow Mac style menu for Joomla. Custom images and links with mootools effects.

mooImage CK

mooImage CK ( 2 Documents )

Add some nice effects on your images on mouseover (shake, fade, ...)

Multilanguages CK

Multilanguages CK ( 1 Documents )

Mulilanguages CK is a little plugin that allows you to translate what you want in any place of your website by using some language tags.

Parallax CK

Parallax CK ( 3 Documents )

Add a nice parallax effect with moving backgrounds. Use a 3D effect wit your own images.

Page Builder CK

Page Builder CK ( 8 Documents )

Page Builder CK allows you to create your content very quickly and easily with Drag'n Drop.

Playlist CK

Playlist CK ( 8 Documents )

Add a slideshow with some nice effects adn animated thumbnails? All this is compatible with mobiles and responsive design.

Roar GC

Roar GC ( 1 Documents )

Give a little news to your visitors with this tooltip. Show it on the page load or on mouseover or mouseclick on a word.

Scroll To CK

Scroll To CK ( 6 Documents )

Add a scrolling effect to your page on any link in a very easy way.

Slider CK

Slider CK ( 6 Documents )

Add a slider with some nice effects which is compatible with mobiles, touch devices and responsive design.

Slideshow CK

Slideshow CK ( 9 Documents )

Add a slideshow with some nice effects which is compatible with mobiles and responsive design.

Tooltip GC

Tooltip GC ( 8 Documents )

Add some tooltips on texts and images in your Joomla website. CSS3 custom styles and mootools animations.

Fast and powerful creation, customizable and responsive.

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Favorites extensions

logo maximenuck 110 logo pagebuilderck 110 logo slideshowck 110template creator ck large 449

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