Joomla compatibility : Joomla 5 Joomla 4 Joomla 3

Responsive Joomla slider

Slider CK displays your images and content in a nice responsive slider. It is compatible with mobiles, resonsive design and you can slide with your fingers on your touch devices. The module interface has been designed to give you a simple and efficient experience.



Demo 1 of Slider CK - default with Lightbox

Demo slide 1
Demo slide 1
Welcome !

Demo 2 of Slider CK - with thumbnails, custom styling and animations

Demo slide 1
Demo slide 1
Welcome !

Demo 3 of Slider CK - no arrows, 2 slides per view, slides not centered, progress bar

Demo slide 1
Demo slide 1
Welcome !

Demo 4 of Slider CK - sliding free mode, random order, loop, pagination with fraction

Demo slide 1
Demo slide 1
Welcome !

Demo 5 of Slider CK - Cube

Demo slide 1
Demo slide 1
Welcome !

Demo 6 of Slider CK - Flip

Demo slide 1
Demo slide 1
Welcome !

Demo 7 of Slider CK - Coverflow

Demo slide 1
Demo slide 1
Welcome !

Demo 8 of Slider CK - Horizontal logos slider


List of features

  • Unlimited slides
  • Ergonomic admin interface
  • Can display images or any content (articles, videos, ...)
  • Multiple options to congifure the slider
  • Multiple pagination available : dots, thumbnails, progress bar, number by fraction
  • Mobiles compatible, you can slide with your fingers
  • Responsive design
  • You can add a link on any slide
  • Captions on any slide
  • Show / hide the caption, title, description
  • Link position options : full slide, title, readmore button
  • Autolink to the image (to open in the lightbox for example)
  • Display order normal or random
  • Limit the number of slides
  • Load the images directly from a folder (Pro version)
  • Load automatically the images from Flickr, Google Photos, Hikashop, Joomgallery, Articles category, K2 (Pro version)
  • Edition with a fast interface for the caption and link
  • Open the links in a Lightbox with Mediabox CK or any other lightbox



Slides Manager

Use the slides manager to manage your images with a fast edition interface.

Integrated to the module, you can add an unlimited number of slides with 1 click, select your image, write a text if you want a caption, and that's it !

You can also order your slides with drag and drop, disable your slides, give dates for publication, select an article to load, select a video or a link from your menus  ...

Read more about the slides manager

slides manager slideshow



Graphic design interface

Style your slideshow like you want, without coding CSS ! No file to edit, no waste of time, click in the interface to add margin, colors, images, fonts ... and see the result with an instant preview.

Just click and save to apply immediately your design to your slideshow


slideshow graphic design interface



Using a tag in articles

Use a tag to easily load a slider into your content.

Place the tag in your content to call the module and you can also pass custom parameters to it. Imagine a module that drives them all! Shared options for all slideshows, with the possibility to change any parameter from the tag.

Learn more

slidehsow presets



Light version

Slides manager

Article selection

Menu link selection

Default theme

Forum support

Styling / Design interface (limited options)

Load images from a folder

Load images from a category of articles

Load images from Hikashop

Load images from Virtuemart

Load images from Joomgallery

Load images from Flickr

Load images from Google Photos

Load images from K2

Load images from Flexicontent

Options for the Lightbox

Use a tag to load the slider in articles

Use on multiple domains

1 Year updates


Pro version

Slides manager

Article selection

Menu link selection

Default theme

Forum support

Styling / Design interface (full options)

Load images from a folder

Load images from a category of articles

Load images from Hikashop

Load images from Virtuemart

Load images from Joomgallery

Load images from Flickr

Load images from Google Photos

Load images from K2

Load images from Flexicontent

Options for the Lightbox

Use a tag to load the slider in articles

Use on multiple domains

1 Year updates

24 €


Vote for Slider CK in the JED

Read the documentation


Release notes (click to show) :

VERSION 2.4.4 - 11/06/24
  • Fix issue with autoplay on videos
VERSION 2.4.3 - 10/06/24
  • [Light] Fix issue with videos not loaded from the slides manager
  • [Pro] [Articles] Add option to use the full article image as source
  • [Pro] [Articles] Add options to show author and category
  • [Pro] [Google] Add cache
  • [Pro] [Google] Add link to large images if the option to link auto to the image is enabled
  • [Pro] [Flexicontent] Fix php error in admin
VERSION 2.4.2 - 26/01/24
  • Add option to pause the autoplay on mouseover
VERSION 2.4.0 - 08/01/24
  • Add Joomla 5 native compatibility (without the compatibility plugin)
  • [Pro] [Folder] Fix issue with loading WEBP images
VERSION 2.3.1 - 30/05/23
  • Add accessibility on links
VERSION 2.3.0 - 24/05/23
  • Add feature to use a tag {sliderck} to load the slider with custom settings (see doc)
VERSION 2.2.7 - 27/02/23
  • Add options for the lightbox
  • Improve the media browser to remind the last opened folder
VERSION 2.2.6 - 08/01/23
  • Fix issues with PHP 8.1
VERSION 2.2.5 - 19/12/22
  • Add option to hide the caption on mobiles
  • Add option to manage the caption font size on mobiles
  • Fix PHP 8 warning
VERSION 2.2.4 - 30/09/22
  • Fix PHP 8 warning
VERSION 2.2.3 - 19/04/22
  • Fix issues with deprecated code
  • Fix issues with missing translations
VERSION 2.2.2 - 15/03/22
  • Fix issues with Joomla 4 and flexicontent loading
VERSION 2.2.1 - 03/03/22
  • Fix issues with Joomla 4 and article loading
  • Fix issues with Joomla 4 and flexicontent loading
VERSION 2.2.0 - 17/02/22
  • Add compatibility with WEBP images
  • Add video option in the slides
VERSION 2.1.4 - 14/09/21
  • Fix issue in Joomla with the styles import
VERSION 2.1.3 - 09/09/21
  • Fix admin issues with Joomla 4
  • [Pro] [Articles] Add options to display the date of the article
VERSION 2.1.2 - 22/02/21
  • Fix issue with link target
VERSION 2.1.1 - 18/02/21
  • Fix issue with Light version installed instead of Pro
  • Fix issue with lightbox enabled by default in Light version
VERSION 2.1.0 - 15/02/21
  • Add compatibility with Joomla 4
  • Fix issue with image browsing and accents
  • Fix issue with animation preview
VERSION 2.0.4 - 11/01/21
  • Fix issue with animations options missing
VERSION 2.0.3 - 17/12/20
  • Fix issue loop and Mediabox CK
VERSION 2.0.2 - 16/12/20
  • Fix issue with pagination color in styling interface
  • Fix issue with errors in css code
  • Fix issue with styles on the container
VERSION 2.0.1 - 05/11/20
  • Fix issue with arrow color in styling interface
VERSION 2.0.0 - 05/11/20
  • Code refactoring
  • Added slides manager as main source
  • Added source plugin Flickr
  • Added source plugin Google Photos
  • Added source plugin Instagram
  • Added source plugin Joomgallery
  • Added source plugin Virtuemart
  • Updated folder source as separate plugin
VERSION 1.0.17 - 15/09/20
  • Add compatibility with Watchful update
VERSION 1.0.16 - 30/07/20
  • Fix JS issue with Lightbox from 1.0.15 version
VERSION 1.0.15 - 29/07/20
  • Fix issue with Lightbox and loop option
VERSION 1.0.14 - 12/07/20
  • Add more units compatibility : vh, vw, rem, vmin, vmax, mm, in, pt, pc
VERSION 1.0.13 - 22/04/20
  • Fix PHP warning
VERSION 1.0.12 - 05/06/19
  • Fix PHP warning
VERSION 1.0.11 - 03/04/19
  • Fix issue with image height
VERSION 1.0.9 - 11/10/18
  • Fix issue with loop, fade effect and thumbs options
VERSION 1.0.8 - 27/03/18
  • Add keyboard control option
  • Add mouse control option
VERSION 1.0.7 - 13/03/18
  • Add image height option
VERSION 1.0.6 - 27/07/17
  • Fix issue with the responsive options
VERSION 1.0.5 - 24/07/17
  • Fix issue with the layout option
VERSION 1.0.4 - 24/07/17
  • Fix issue with loading images from a folder on some servers
  • Add advanced module options for caching and module class suffix
VERSION 1.0.3 - 09/05/17
  • Add translation compatibility with language files not in component folder
VERSION 1.0.2 - 14/03/17
  • Add option to open the links in a new window
  • Add Slider CK Params to get more loading sources
  • Add Hikashop product source
  • Add K2 articles source
  • Add Joomla articles source
  • Fix alt tag missing on images
VERSION 1.0.1 - 15/02/17
  • Add layout options for over, horizontal and vertical layout
VERSION 1.0.0 - 07/02/17
  • Add responsive settings to set breakpoints and change the display
  • Add option to limit the text characters
  • Add option slides per group to move multiple slides together
  • Add option slides per column
  • Add option to show / hide the caption
  • Add option to show / hide the title
  • Add option to show / hide the description
  • Add version infos in the module admin
  • Add many styling options for normal/hover/active state
  • Add options for effects on the slide (scale, brightness, rotate, opacity, blur ...) for normal/hover/active state
VERSION 0.1.2 - 17/01/17
  • Add options to style the arrows
  • Add options to style the pagination
  • Add options to autoplay
  • Update the .js script for the non jquery version to fix a bug
VERSION 0.1.1 - 08/01/17
  • First issue

Fast and powerful creation, customizable and responsive.

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Favorites extensions

logo maximenuck 110 logo pagebuilderck 110 logo slideshowck 110template creator ck large 449

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