Joomla compatibility : Joomla 5 Joomla 4 Joomla 3

Maximenu CK Joomla megamenu

Maximenu CK is a module which can create a multicolumns megamenu for Joomla! with some nice effects. You can organise your menu as you want with the multiple options and optional graphic themes.




Demo of Maximenu CK

Demo simple dropdown menu

Demo vertical mode

Demo with tabs

  • Demo tabsDemo tabs
    • Tab 1
    • Tab 2
      • Demo Text 1

        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ac tincidunt.

      • Demo Text 2

        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ac tincidunt.

      • Demo Text 3

        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ac tincidunt.

      • Demo Text 4

        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ac tincidunt.

      • Demo Text 5

        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ac tincidunt ipsum. Pellentesque orci mi, consequat eu lorem nec, facilisis blandit sem. Pellentesque massa nisl, commodo sed gravida sed, aliquam at dolor. Cras vulputate enim sit amet ligula feugiat consequat.

    • Tab 3
  • HeadingsHeadings
  • LinkLink
  • Right alignedRight aligned

Demo horizontal mode with open effect

Demo with slide effect

Demo with a logo

Demo with the Pushdown layout + Style different for each link


Download Maximenu CK


Fast Menu manager
Order your menu items like you want with the menu manager directly inside the module. Rename the title, add a description, select an image, icon or module directly from the popup.
Use the menu on mobile device, it will adapt itself automatically. You can choose to use the hamburger icon or have a standard menu on mobile, and you can combine it with Mobile Menu CK.
Multiple sources
Use Maxmienu CK to show your menu from different sources in 1 click : Joomla menu, Hikashop, Joomshopping, Virtuemart , ...
Fast and easy styling
Use a dedicated interface to style your menu. Give the colors, margins, borders and what you want and see the result directly in the instant preview. You can also use the themes presets to have a one click designed applied to your menu.
Multiple layouts
Create any type of menu just by selecting any of the installed layouts : default dropdown, fullwidth, pushdown, nativejoomla, select list.
Rows and Columns
You can totally control the layout of your submenus by creating the columns and rows on any item. Using the fast menu manager you can select where to create them very quickly and see directly the result on frontend.




video maximenu 450


Demo video

Watch the video to see how Maximenu CK works.

You can see how fast it is to create your menu, how to create the columns, add a description and icon to each menu link very quickly !

Watch the video




Fast styling interface

Style your menu directly in the interface with a direct preview. Define your own value for the margins, colors, borders, etc and apply them in one click to your megamenu instanttly.

No file to edit, just click and save and your design is applied to your Joomla menu !


maximenu styling



maximenu styling


Go fast with the presets

Apply any theme preset to your megamenu with one click ! It will load all the settings in the interface and then you can play with it to change the color, padding, and what you want to get the desired result.

It is fast and easy ! You can also export and import your design between 2 websites.



Powerful menu manager

Don't waste your time to go in multiple pages, just open the Menu Manager from Maximenu CK and setup your menu items on the fly.

You can order your items, enable or disable them, write a title and description, setup the columns and rows, select an icon or an image, and load a module !

See how to manage the columns and rows


maximenu manager



megamenu accessibility


Accessible megamenu

You can navigate into the menu and the submenus using the TAB key. It also work on mobile in the responsive mode, using the hamburger icon. It passes the test WCAG for the accessibility.

Simply use your megamenu for everyone, including disabled people.




Features of the module Maximenu CK

  • Multicolumns and multirows
  • Responsive design themes
  • Accessible megamenu, WCAG
  • Fast menu manager to set the title, description, column, row, submenu dimensions and position, icon, image and module, for each link
  • Fast styling interface
  • Logo can be added in the menu
  • Fancy effect on first level items (floating cursor)
  • Javascript dropdown effects
  • Multiple usage on the same page
  • Description under each link
  • Graphic themes
  • Modules loading in the menu
  • Horizontal or vertical orientation
  • MVC structure
  • SEO optimization, CSS compilation
  • Overflow detection for left direction rollover
  • Image without text
  • Rollover on mouseover, on mouseclick, opening on mouseover and closing onclick
  • iPhone, iPad, and Android compatibility
  • Compatibility with multiple sources : Virtuemart, Hikashop, K2, Joomshopping, Adsmanager ...


Light version

Menu manager

Columns and rows creation

Icon selection

Image selection

Module loading in menu

CSS themes

CSS compilation

Styling / Design interface (Light options)


Load items from a Joomla menu

Load items from Hikashop

Load items from Virtuemart

Load items from Joomshopping

Load items from Adsmanager

Load items from K2

Forum support

Use on multiple domains

1 Year updates


Pro version

Menu manager

Columns and rows creation

Icon selection

Image selection

Module loading in menu

CSS themes

CSS compilation

Styling / Design interface (full options)


Load items from a Joomla menu

Load items from Hikashop

Load items from Virtuemart

Load items from Joomshopping

Load items from Adsmanager

Load items from K2

Forum support

Use on multiple domains

1 Year updates

29 €


Vote for Maximenu CK in the JED

Read the documentation


Release notes (click to show) :

VERSION 10.1.11 - 14/10/24
  • Add focus for accessibility on the separator and heading item types
  • Add focus border width option for accessibility
VERSION 10.1.10 - 30/09/24
  • Fix issue with RTL loading of css when using the compile option
VERSION 10.1.9 - 24/09/24
  • Improve accessibility : add aria-expanded attribute, use the space bar again to close the submenu
  • Improve CSS for the description, if too long it goes on multiple lines
VERSION 10.1.8 - 03/07/24
  • Improve the way to use buttons in the styles interface : click to toggle, useful to unselect a button
  • Improve the font weight : use the normal button to force the normal font weight
  • Fix issue with selected item in admin list not clear
  • Fix issue with wrapper menu item not working in the menu builder
  • Fix PHP warning with menu_icon when using articles source
VERSION 10.1.7 - 27/06/24
  • Fix issue in the menu manager when moving items
VERSION 10.1.6 - 15/04/24
  • Fix PHP warning in the styling interface
VERSION 10.1.5 - 25/03/24
  • Update the FontAwesome 5 library to latest 5.15.4
  • Add compatibility with Joomla option for link icon class
VERSION 10.1.4 - 05/03/24
  • Add styling options for blur background filter
  • Add styling options for top fixed effect : background color, opacity, blur
VERSION 10.1.3 - 29/02/24
  • Add option to have the close button in the submenu also with the click effect
VERSION 10.1.2 - 22/02/24
  • Add link target option in the custom menu type (in the menu builder)
VERSION 10.1.1 - 20/02/24
  • Fix issue with outline in accessibility
  • Fix issue with settings not saved in the menu builder interface
  • Fix issue with select list options display in the menu builder interface
VERSION 10.1.0 - 15/01/24
  • Add compatibility with #joomla5 (without the compatibility plugin)
VERSION 10.0.12 - 04/08/23
  • Fix JS issue in the 10.0.11 version
VERSION 10.0.11 - 04/08/23
  • Add item type custom url in the menu builder feature
VERSION 10.0.10 - 24/07/23
  • Fix issue with the menu builder when applying a style, the item disappeared
  • Fix issue with the modules list in the component and the pagination
VERSION 10.0.9 - 18/07/23
  • Fix issue with vertical menu alignement since 10.0.8
VERSION 10.0.8 - 06/07/23
  • Improve the image position using Flexbox
  • Fix issue with the menu builder and link on image
VERSION 10.0.7 - 04/07/23
  • Fix issue with the menu builder and unpublished menu item
  • Fix issue with the text transform styles on the heading
  • Fix issue with the parent arrow position (needed a color to be moved)
VERSION 10.0.6 - 05/06/23
  • Fix issue with the menu builder and external url
VERSION 10.0.5 - 12/04/23
  • [Pro] Add new feature to create a submenu with tabs (see doc)
  • [Pro] Fix issue with submenu width and conflict with 3ard party source itemid
  • [Pro] [Categories] Fix issue with parent css class
  • [Pro] [Articles by date] Fix PHP warning
  • [Pro] Add image preview in the menu builder interface
  • Fix issue with quotes in the menu item name
  • [Liht] Fix PHP issue in the interface
  • Fix issue when a style is assigned to a module, then deleted
VERSION 10.0.4 - 07/03/23
  • Update the css class on the menu, instead of using the module class (you may need to change that in the advanced options)
  • [Light] Fix issue with the style selection
  • Fix PHP error
VERSION 10.0.3 - 09/02/23
  • Fix error if module still in V8 mode
  • Add message in front if module still in V8 mode (you will need to update it as the V8 mode will be removed)
VERSION 10.0.2 - 06/02/23
  • Add check on install to stop the installation if any module is found in V8 compatibility mode
VERSION 10.0.1 - 27/01/23
  • Fix PHP warning
  • Fix issue when loading article with the same ID as the menu item
VERSION 10.0.0 - 24/01/23
  • New major version ! for info this version is fully compatilble with the V9
  • New feature : Menu Builder (see doc)
VERSION 9.1.28 - 25/11/22
  • [Pro] [Virtuemart] Fix issue with old code in causing error
VERSION 9.1.27 - 11/10/22
  • Fix warning with PHP 8.1
VERSION 9.1.26 - 01/06/22
  • Add compatibility of the styling interface with the dropselect layout
  • Add option to disable the icons for a specific module
  • Add option to disable the images for a specific module
  • Fix issue with the submenu width in fullwidth
  • [Pro] Fix issue with thirparty extension (Hikashop)
VERSION 9.1.25 - 21/03/22
  • Fix issue with the module title not shown
  • [Pro] Fix issue with Hikashop and multilanguage
  • [Pro] Fix issue with articles from a category in Joomla 4
  • [Pro] Fix issue with articles by date in Joomla 4
VERSION 9.1.24 - 07/03/22
  • Fix issue with Fancy effect and latest jQuery
VERSION 9.1.23 - 31/01/22
  • Add css for the nav header
  • Fix issue in Joomla 4 with empty mobile tab showing in the options
  • Fix issue in Joomla 4 with checkboxes in the lists
  • Fix issue with migration style from the V8
  • Fix php warning with PHP8
VERSION 9.1.22 - 06/12/21
  • Fix PHP warning
VERSION 9.1.21 - 22/09/21
  • Fix issue when creating a column on a level 1 item
  • Fix issue when using third party source menu item, and column creation in submenu
  • Fix issue with separator level 1 item and specific menu item styles
VERSION 9.1.20 - 13/09/21
  • Fix issue with menu selection if name contains a single quote
  • Fix issue with Joomla 4 : style import
VERSION 9.1.19 - 06/09/21
  • Fix PHP warning with Joomla 4 on $menu_image
  • [Pro][Virtuemart] Add option for alphabetical sorting and fix issue
VERSION 9.1.18 - 24/08/21
  • Improve compatibility with Joomla 4 : radio buttons issue in styling interface
VERSION 9.1.17 - 23/08/21
  • [Pro] [Virtuemart] Add order option in the Virtuemart plugin
  • Improve compatibility with Joomla 4
  • Fix PHP warnings
VERSION 9.1.16 - 25/06/21
  • Fix issue with the rollover effect
VERSION 9.1.15 - 03/06/21
  • Fix issue with fade effect and close outside click feature
VERSION 9.1.14 - 31/05/21
  • Fix issue with default2 layout (now removed)
  • Fix issue with theme30 in the presets
VERSION 9.1.13 - 10/05/21
  • Add image rollover feature (see doc)
VERSION 9.1.12 - 29/04/21
  • Add styling options for the menu link description
VERSION 9.1.11 - 17/02/21
  • Add default styling for the click to close button
  • Fix issue with font style in sub submenu
  • Fix issue with css gradient
  • Fix issue with modules selection according to user rights
  • Fix issue with click to close button used even if not selected
  • Fix layout selection in styling interface
VERSION 9.1.10 - 07/12/20
  • Add option for top position on the logo
  • Fix PHP warning
VERSION 9.1.9 - 16/11/20
  • Fix issue with text alignment
  • Fix issue with google font
VERSION 9.1.8 - 07/11/20
  • Fix issue with parent toggler of menu items
VERSION 9.1.7 - 06/11/20
  • Fix styling issue with shadow x/y values
  • Fix issue with drag and drop of menu items
  • [Joomla 4] Fix issue with menu item setting not saved
VERSION 9.1.6 - 15/10/20
  • Improve compatibility with Joomla 4
  • Fix issue with PHP error in legacy mode
  • Fix issue with another PHP error
VERSION 9.1.5 - 09/10/20
  • Improve fields for Joomla 4
  • [Pro] Fix issue with fields conflict in the menu item edition
  • [Pro] Fix issue with image selection in the media manager
  • Fix issue with RTL
  • Remove Setup Wizard, because useless since the options have been re-organized
VERSION 9.1.4 - 30/09/20
  • Fix issue with orientation in the style code
VERSION 9.1.3 - 14/09/20
  • [Light] Fix error in the styling interface
VERSION 9.1.2 - 14/09/20
  • Fix PHP error when using other sources than menu
VERSION 9.1.1 - 03/09/20
  • Fix issue in the styles edition since 9.1.0
VERSION 9.1.0 - 03/09/20
  • Add new plugin Articles by date
  • Add new plugin Articles by category
  • Add new feature to load the submenu using a menu item (for articles by date, by category and Virtuemart)
  • Add compatibility with Joomla 4 Beta 3
  • Add compatibility with the Watchful update
VERSION 9.0.16 - 03/08/20
  • Add new options to center the logo automatically between the items
VERSION 9.0.15 - 30/07/20
  • Fix issue with Open Menu text showing in legacy mode
  • Fix issue with 2nd gradient color not imported during update from V8 to V9
VERSION 9.0.14 - 13/07/20
  • [Pro] Add styling options for parent arrow level1 active state + active hover state
  • [Pro] Add styling options for parent arrow level2 active state + active hover state
  • Fix PHP warning
VERSION 9.0.13 - 30/06/20
  • Add offcanvas effect : open the submenu as a sliding panel
  • Add options for accessibility : enable focus visual aid, and color of the focus
  • Fix issue Javascript about focus event
VERSION 9.0.12 - 18/06/20
  • Add accessibility feature : use tab to navigate through the menu, including dropdowns
  • Add more units compatibility : vh, vw, rem, vmin, vmax, mm, in, pt, pc
  • Fix issue with vertical layout when editing the styles
VERSION 9.0.11 - 05/05/20
  • Add menu link active hover styles in the interface
  • Add compatibility with rel attribute in joomla native options
  • Automatically remove parent padding if no parent icon is used
  • Fix issue with custom css not migrated from V8
  • Fix issue with background position in menu item options
  • Fix issue with PHP message with column width
  • Fix issue with puff effect in javascript
VERSION 9.0.10 - 15/04/20
  • Fix issue with background image position and repeat
VERSION 9.0.9 - 09/04/20
  • Remove compatibility with theme Blank and Page Builder CK because of other issues
VERSION 9.0.8 - 08/04/20
  • Improve compatibility with theme Blank and Page Builder CK
  • Fix issue with background image
  • Fix issue colorpicker not allowing transparent value (again)
  • Fix issue with effect 8 and links not working
  • Fix issue with description color not working
  • Fix issue with url routing
VERSION 9.0.7 - 30/03/20
  • Fix issue with Separator item type and styles
  • Fix issue with Wizard not detecting Virtuemart
  • Fix issue colorpicker not allowing transparent value
VERSION 9.0.6 - 30/03/20
  • [Pro] Fix issue with Virtuemart plugin
  • [Pro] Fix issue with Hikashop plugin, not loading images
  • Fix issue with https in module
  • Fix issue with default theme and menu bar background color
VERSION 9.0.5 - 09/03/20
  • Add option to setup the root folder for the media manager
  • Add option to load or not the FontAwesome scripts
  • Add option to close menu on click outside, in the page
  • Add legacy compatibiliy with FontAwesome 4 to render the icons
VERSION 9.0.4 - 03/03/20
  • Fix all issues that were not fixed in 9.0.3 due to upload error
VERSION 9.0.3 - 03/03/20
  • Add clean cache action when using the menu manager to get immediate result on frontend
  • Fix issue with bold, underline style in the interface
  • Fix issue with strings translation
VERSION 9.0.2 - 27/02/20
  • Add option to choose which version of FontAwesome to load, 4 or 5
  • [Pro] Add option to choose how to load the Google Fonts : Auto, Custom or None
  • Fix issue with Google Fonts not loaded
  • Fix issue with heading type style (previously separator type)
  • Fix issue with style if a background image is set
  • Fix issue with custom css not rendered
VERSION 9.0.1 - 25/02/20
  • Fix issue with background opacity not working
  • Fix issue with mobile resolution not working
VERSION 9.0.0 - 13/02/20
  • New major version. See for more details
VERSION 8.2.19 - 17/12/18
  • [Params] Add option to add a suffix to the url in the menu item options
VERSION 8.2.18 - 03/12/18
  • Fix issue with Mobile Menu CK and link href on mobile device
VERSION 8.2.17 - 26/11/18
  • Improve the compatibility with the new Mobile Menu CK
  • Use of Maximenu Mobile CK in a deprecated mode, if present then Mobile Menu CK will be used
  • Update Font Awesome to 4.7
VERSION 8.2.16 - 20/08/18
  • Add compatibility with the new Mobile Menu CK
VERSION 8.2.15 - 20/08/18
  • Add option to enable / disable data-hover
VERSION 8.2.14 - 25/07/18
  • Add data-hover attribute in the anchor tag for css effects
  • [Params] Add 18 new themes with amazing effects
VERSION 8.2.13 - 23/05/18
  • [Params] Add access key option in each menu item for accessibility
VERSION 8.2.12 - 16/02/18
  • Fix issue with php warning on columns
VERSION 8.2.11 - 13/02/18
  • Fix issue fancy styles not saved
VERSION 8.2.10 - 09/01/18
  • Fix issue with multiple Hikashop menu item loaded in the same menu
VERSION 8.2.9 - 08/01/18
  • Add new styles for new options into Maximenu CK Params 4.2.0
  • Fix issue with image not shown with hikashop plugin
VERSION 8.2.8 - 17/11/17
  • Fix issue with html error when using the logo
  • Fix issue with php notice
VERSION 8.2.7 - 02/10/17
  • Fix issue with pushdown layout and mouseover behavior
VERSION 8.2.6 - 26/09/17
  • Fix issue with parent css class with child is set to not show in the menu
  • Add option to add a close button in the submenu
VERSION 8.2.5 - 14/09/17
  • Fix option with click to close and pushdown
  • Fix admin buttons in the module
VERSION 8.2.4 - 03/07/17
  • Add option to delay the top fixed effect after distance or element (added infos in the documentation)
VERSION 8.2.3 - 07/02/17
  • Add option in the Hikashop plugin to sort by name
VERSION 8.2.2 - 24/01/17
  • Fix issue with module loading
  • Fix issue with separator item style in level 1
VERSION 8.2.1 - 10/01/17
  • Fix issue with css
VERSION 8.2.0 - 19/12/16
  • New integration with Third party extensions - See the new Maximenu CK Hikashop plugin
VERSION 8.1.12 - 22/11/16
  • Add compatibility with the native option 'show in menu' for each menu item
VERSION 8.1.11 - 08/11/16
  • Fix issue with loading module in the submenu
VERSION 8.1.10 - 31/10/16
  • Fix issue with Fancy
VERSION 8.1.9 - 25/08/16
  • Improve the mobile compatibility with the plugin Maximenu Mobile
  • Improve the code of the layouts to be more generic for the logo and mobile sections
  • Fix an issue with the borders
VERSION 8.1.8 - 19/07/16
  • Add options for all borders in the styles interface of Maximenu Params
VERSION 8.1.7 - 24/05/16
  • Add overflow detection for vertical menu and the bottom of the page
  • Fix an issue with the tabs theme and the hover color of submenu using Params
  • Fix an issue with the mobile/desktop hidden option, fixed in the themes css
VERSION 8.1.6 - 28/04/16
  • Fix an issue with mobile hamburger icon
VERSION 8.1.5 - 22/04/16
  • Fix an issue with mobile/desktop option
VERSION 8.1.4 - 21/03/16
  • Fix an issue with margin/padding on module
  • Fix an issue with level 3 dropdowns
VERSION 8.1.3 - 11/02/16
  • Fix an issue with nodropdown submenus
VERSION 8.1.2 - 04/02/16
  • Fix an issue with parent arrow always showing
  • Remove the Custom folder from the theme selection list
VERSION 8.1.1 - 03/02/16
  • Fix an issue with Virtuemart items not loaded anymore since 8.1.0
VERSION 8.1.0 - 03/02/16
  • Compatibility with Maximenu CK Params 4.1.0 : New menu manager from the module options
  • New option to set an icon for each menu item
  • New option to enable/disable each menu item for mobile and desktop
  • Fix issue with padding applied on each item
  • Fix issue with HTML ID option if numeric
  • Add option to compile the CSS into one stylesheet
  • Add option to deactivate the sliding effect with the topfixed position
VERSION 8.0.21 - 05/11/15
  • Add support for CSS class 'showonclick' and 'clickclose' on LI to force the behavior for only one submenu


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