You can use Mobile Menu CK in any PHP file in your system. There are 2 PHP functions that you can use to load the menu.

Note that the plugin Mobile Menu CK must be enabled.

Load the menu in a standard way

This method will call all the Javascript and CSS and put them in the head of the page using the standard Joomla API.

loadMobileMenuCK($selector, $options);

Load the menu inline

This method will call all the Javascript and CSS and write them exactly where you put the PHP code.

loadMobileMenuCKInline($selector, $options);


$selector : (required) this is a CSS selector string that tells the system where to find the menu. It can points to the menu root (by default a <ul> tag), or to a parent that contains the menu root.

$options : (optional) this is an array of options.


Example of a menu with parameters

$options = array(
            'mobilemenutext' => 'Menu'
            ,'container' => 'body'
            ,'detectiontype' => 'resolution'
            ,'resolution' => '800'
loadMobileMenuCK('.navigation', $options);

'.navigation' is the CSS selector of the parent tag that contains the menu.


List of Parameters (sample)


This is the text that will be used in the menu bar. Use JText::_('YOUR_STRING') to have a multilanguage text.


Determines where your mobile menu will take place

  • 'body' - load the menu in the body. It wil be shown at the top of the page (not sticky)
  • 'topfixed' - load the menu in the body. It wil be shown at the top of the page (sticky)
  • 'menu' - load the menu in the same place as the normal menu


When must your mobile menu be shown

  • 'resolution' - load the menu under a resolution value
  • 'phone' - load the menu only on the phone devices
  • 'tablet' - load the menu only on the phone and tablet devices


Value of the screen resolution under which the menu will be active. Only if 'detectiontype' is on 'resolution'


For a complete list of parameters, see the Javascript section.


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